Hoi Hoi!!! Public service announcement: I am not dead, just having some phone trouble! My phone isn’t receiving texts or calls, so apologies if it seemed like I’ve been ignoring you lol. While I figure it out, please download WhatsApp so we can stay in touch! Just send a message to my phone number with your name!

Now for some amazing news… drum roll, please!! My brother finally proposed to his girlfriend!!!! EEEEEEPPPP! Congratulations, Penn and Audrey! I’m so incredibly happy for you both! And bonus points to Penn for popping the question in Costa Rica with a stunning sunset backdrop. So romantic!

Okay, now for the fun stuff! I've been super busy with work, diving 2-3 times a day, meeting amazing people, and genuinely loving my job. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but even on the stressful days, all it takes is one dive to get me back in action. Being underwater is truly my happy place, so I thought I’d share some photos of the little creatures that brighten my days.

(The photos are in order from right to left as you scroll down.) First up, we have a juvenile trunkfish—about the size of your pinky nail! They float around looking adorable and a bit clueless because they can barely swim. The fish next to it is what they look like fully grown. Next, we’ve got cleaner shrimp—specifically, the Pederson cleaner shrimp and the spotted cleaner shrimp. They’re extra cute with their little whiskers and love hanging out inside sea anemones. Then there are the sea walnuts—those clear, jellyfish-like blobs that float around with fluorescent lights running down their sides.

Next, fireworms! They sting like crazy if you touch one, but I love wafting water on them to see their white puff balls expand. Then there’s the arrow crab—creepy-looking, but they remind me of daddy longlegs from back home lol. The banded reef shrimp are also cool because their whiskers are longer than a cat’s! And last but not least, the disco damselfish. They look super cool, and other types of damselfish are very territorial over their homes (aka a specific rock), so it’s fun to “battle” with them. Let me know what your favorite creature is in the comments ;)

For now, I'm still a glorified underwater tour guide, sharing these hidden sea creatures with everyone, but next month, I'll be taking on more responsibilities! I had originally planned to complete my Instructor course this month, but due to a few unexpected factors, it's been postponed until December. It was a bit of a bummer to find out, but hey, everything happens for a reason, right? So, Plan B is to complete my Assistant Instructor course this month instead. Here’s a little visual for reference:

The green stars represent my dive journey so far, and the red ones mark the courses I hope to complete while I’m in Curaçao. The Assistant Instructor course will allow me to teach a few more classes than I can now, and once I become an Instructor, I'll be able to certify divers. Beyond my love for diving, I’m passionate about continuing my dive education because I love learning, teaching, and challenging myself. Plus, it’s pretty cool to say I’m responsible for adding awesome divers to the community!

Outside of work, my free time is spent with friends enjoying pool nights, game nights, and, of course, nights out. But most importantly, we dive together! Curaçao has so many dive sites, and I’m determined to explore them all before I leave (which, by the way, isn’t happening anytime soon).

Sadly, I have to say a tough goodbye to my two best friends on the island. They’re heading back to the Netherlands at the end of the month, and life here will feel a lot different without them. But I’m so grateful we got to be a part of each other’s lives and create so many amazing memories to cherish. @Tristan @Anna, thank you for being the best friends, neighbors, coworkers, dive buddies, and supporters a girl could ask for. I’m going to miss you both so much.

P.S. I know the photos aren’t the best this time, but my camera’s SD card got water damage (probably from my own sweat... oops!). I’m getting a replacement, though, so I’ll have my usual content ready for the next post. Stay tuned!
