When people discover that I've forsaken social media, their incredulous response often echoes, "What do you do without it?" I find this amusing because I recall a time when I was so ensnared by social media that I'd remain oblivious even if a tree fell right in front of me. It's a relentless time sink, effortlessly gobbling up hours in scrolling, stalking, and shopping.

A student of mine couldn't fathom how I could function without it. Yet, in retrospect, I wonder how I ever functioned with it.

Social media felt like quicksand; a place where genuine, unfiltered experiences were rare. It painted a distorted picture of reality, both for me and countless others. When I finally made the choice to sever my ties with social media, it was like a weight lifted from my shoulders, and that metaphorical target on my back vanished.

I'm not trying to vilify social media; after all, as someone with two degrees in the field, I see its value as a potent business tool rather than a personal escape. It's a game-changer for small businesses, accessible to nearly anyone with an internet connection and a device.

Overall, my life has become more authentic and discerning. I'm at ease being my true self and can spot the real from the fake in all aspects of life.

These past six months have been transformative. My mental health has seen remarkable improvement as I've ceased the endless comparisons and yearnings that consumed me. This newfound freedom has granted me ample time for self-improvement and nurturing my relationships. It's made me wholly present wherever I am and with whomever I'm with.

I've reclaimed my passion for reading, drawing, and writing. My time feels purposeful, and I no longer crave constant updates about others.

I share my 'social-free' journey to prompt reflection on our relationship with social media. If you find yourself feeling too busy to do the things you love or connect with the people who matter, perhaps it's time for a change.

This decision ranks among the best I've made recently, prompting a reordering of my priorities and leaving me happier than ever.

Find your own freedom.


