We all possess perspectives, and they can evolve based on our personal experiences. As we mature, our individual life experiences shape our viewpoints. I envision perspective as a framework, similar to the lens through which we view life, like a camera. We have the agency to choose what we wish to focus on. This is why discovering new perspectives holds crucial significance for our personal growth.

During childhood, we often fail to grasp the reasoning behind certain rules or the nuances of life. However, as we encounter different phases of life, we begin to perceive life through new lenses. This allows us to empathize and comprehend aspects that were previously inscrutable. Embracing the challenge of seeing and thinking from diverse viewpoints enables us to perceive the broader canvas or the bigger picture.

Whether we attempt to see the world through the eyes of someone in a distinct profession, of a different ethnicity, gender, or even a separate species, we gain clarity. The issues that we deem paramount in our daily lives diminish in significance, while matters we might have previously overlooked become more profound.

Throughout the years, I've often heard parents say, "You won't understand until you have kids." I'd nod my head, thinking, "Yes, that's probably true." In reality, comprehending their perspective simply required me to view life from a parental vantage point. The same applies to all other perspectives.

The manner in which we frame our experiences in life holds remarkable power. We have the option to adopt positive or negative outlooks, selfless or selfish viewpoints, and closed-minded or open-minded approaches. From my standpoint, perspectives can either liberate us or confine us.

This is why I have always harbored a passion for photography. It allows me to select the frame through which I capture my surroundings. I am particularly fond of macro photography because it affords me the opportunity to spotlight the minute details that often elude our attention in our daily lives. I take photographs from the perspective of a flower, a dog, or even an ant, and I consistently discover beauty in the most unexpected places. This practice is akin to poetry, as it underscores the importance of pausing to appreciate life's subtleties, akin to the adage "stop and smell the roses."

I extend a challenge to you for this week: Seek out a new perspective. Whether it entails trying something novel, immersing yourself in a documentary, delving into a new book, or engaging in a conversation with someone you wouldn't typically converse with, endeavor to adopt a fresh framing of your experiences.


