I know I haven't written in a while. I have no excuses, just some really captivating books that held me captive for the whole month of October.

In celebration of Turkey Day, Joe, Butters, and I joined friends who have become like family in a charming cabin in Woodland Park, Colorado. It took us a whopping 14 hours of driving, five gas breaks, and several Joe Rogan podcasts to get there. As we ascended in elevation, our patience descended. It doesn't matter how old you are; your mind still asks, 'Are we there yet?'

Thanksgiving has always been a sentimental time for me, as my past Thanksgiving experiences never quite met my expectations. With overdosing aunts and relatives sent to rehab, divorced parents, and independent siblings, this holiday never really lived up to much. I love my family, perhaps a little too much, which is why my expectations were always set too high. Now that I'm older, I realize how grateful I am to spend this holiday with people who reciprocate that sentiment.

The cabin was brimming with food, drinks, laughter, and adventure. Once we arrived, we unpacked and uncorked the champagne to kick off the first night of vacation. It was a perfect start to Thanksgiving, with a cozy fire, a steaming hot tub, and the first snowfall of the season. This was Butter's first time experiencing snow. He frolicked through the frosty grounds with excitement in his crossed eye. Everyone said he looked like he belonged out there, and I must admit, I did consider relocating after hearing that, lol.

Don't get me wrong, Texas is nice. It's where I grew up and where I continue to grow. But, just like many people, I crave adventure. One state can only provide so much of that. That's why I'm always grateful for opportunities like this one. These adventures provide me with new experiences, perspectives, and ideas. Without those, I don't know if I'd ever grow as a person.

Being surrounded by people at different stages in life, working toward various goals, serves as a great reminder. I often find myself stuck in a rut because I become too content with life. Witnessing others stepping out of their comfort zones inspires me to initiate some change in mine. Especially with the new year approaching, it's a reminder to evaluate where I'm headed and where I want to be headed.


We played ping-pong, card games, and drinking games, went hiking, cooked lots of food, and consumed plenty of beverages. All in all, a solid holiday weekend. I managed to read an entire book, caught up on sleep, and enjoyed quality time with Joe and Butters. I'm already bracing for the post-holiday blues. Just know that if you're excited to go to work, you're a very lucky human. I'd be much more enthusiastic about mine if I could bring Butters to work with me every day.

I hope everyone had at least one thing to be grateful for this holiday, because the truth is, we have so much to be grateful for, whether we realize it or not. Your perspective and attitude truly shape your life, so keep that in mind the next time you find yourself complaining about something.

Happy Holidays and Happy Thanksgiving


