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Life is pretty damn beautiful. Not to go on a tangent, but for the first time in a long while, I don’t have to search for it. Every day, I see beauty everywhere, and that, in itself, is beautiful. I’m sure many of you reading this are thinking, “What happened to Tristen?” or “Damn, I want what she’s having!”

I can assure you, I am still here (and not under the influence of narcotics). I believe what happened was this: I hit what felt like rock bottom, flushed my ego, forgave those who were long past due, and began treating people the way I wanted to be treated.

We all know how good it feels to make someone happy, whether it's telling a good joke, giving someone flowers, or helping a stranger passing by. And I can honestly say that I do it now without expecting anything in return.

And once that happened, all the hidden beauty in life emerged from the shadows my mind had cast over my existence. I resented my former self for all the beauty I had been missing out on over the years. And then came sadness, realizing there will never be enough time to see all the beauty life has to offer. I promised myself then and there that not a day would go to waste, for that would only cast yet another shadow.

Naturally, I am now driven to find it all, to document it, share it, and cherish it. Here is what I found today:

  • The look on my coworker’s face as she happily blushed while delivering a bouquet of roses.

  • My friend leaving her hand on mine after a high five just a second longer than usual to tell me with her smile that she was proud of me.

  • My dog’s joyful "awhoooo" when I got home from work.

  • The way the morning sun came through to nourish the plants lining my apartment.

  • The sound you hear when laying onto your pillow while the air eases out between the feathers.

  • The hug you need from a friend tightens the grip when you expected them to loosen it, realizing they need it too.

  • That first sip of coffee in the morning.

  • The sincerity in a stranger's voice when they thank you for holding the door open.

  • The song "Beige" by Yoke Lore.

  • The twinkling lights of the downtown skyscrapers from the comfort of my porch’s twinkling lights.

  • The way I laughed so hard at something a friend said and accidentally snorted, only causing further laughter.

  • The way I am going to bed with a smile on my face knowing I have so many people who love me and that I love back.

    I hope everyone reading this makes their own list. You’d be surprised how much you can find in one day.

    And, I know some people may argue that happiness is not linear, nor tangible. I don’t disagree, but I will always argue this: It is real. Life has its ups and downs, there’s certainly not a manual for it, and no matter what happens, how you perceive it will determine so much of your life. So make sure that how you see it, you see it with gratitude and peacefulness.

    I let go of so much anger, resentment, and sadness. Suddenly, I had room for something new. Something better.

    Cheers to something better.