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Hey everyone! Back in action and better than ever! I know, I know, you were all probably losing sleep wondering where I've been ;) So, let me catch you up on the whirlwind of changes in my life:

First off, the relationship chapter closed. Yep, we gracefully parted ways, and believe me, it's all for the best.

Then, my cyclops of nearly 18 years, Austin, bid adieu. May he rest in peace.

I scored a killer new pad downtown with views that should make my rent a lot higher than it is.

I've switched gears career-wise, now rocking it as a leasing consultant at an apartment complex.

And guess what? Yours truly is officially on the path to becoming a Dive Master! Next stop: BADI - Bad Ass Dive Instructor ;)

Change has been the name of the game lately, but you know what they say, it's all about growth. Here are some nuggets of wisdom I've picked up along the way:

Communication is key. Seriously, don't hold back. You'd be amazed at how often folks think they're on the same page when they're not even in the same book!

Make self-care a priority. Happiness? That's on us. Don't wait around for someone else to sprinkle some joy in your life.

Golden rule alert: Treat others how you want to be treated. It's not just a saying, it's a way of life. So, chill out and spread some good vibes.

Anger Management 101: Don't let it fester. It's like letting a pot boil over - ain't nobody got time for that.

Life's too short for a boring routine. Find time for fun, whether it's telling a cringe-worthy joke or indulging in some elaborate pranks.

Prioritize like a pro. Your choices say a lot about you, so make them count!

Hobbies are the spice of life. And you need at least three spices to cook with. One to challenge your senses (learning a new skill), one to relax your senses (reading or listening to music), and one to expand your senses with others (book club or group sport). Challenge yourself, chill out, and mingle with like-minded souls.

Pro tip: Don't bite off more than you can chew. It's all about balance, people.

Cut out the time-wasters. You know, those things or people that suck the energy right out of you? Yeah, ditch 'em. TRUST ME.

Expectations? Overrated. Actions speak louder than words, my friends.

And for Pete's sake, don't kid yourself about what you want. Keep it real, always.

Appreciation is the name of the game. Gratitude goes a long way, trust me.

So, after a little life shuffle, I've rejigged my priorities, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. Focusing on family, friends, hobbies, and self-care has brought me a newfound sense of peace and love.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Butters is still as adorable as ever, celebrating his second birthday in style. Meanwhile, I'm on the hunt for the perfect medium-format camera to complement my trusty Nikon F2.

And if you happen to spot a Toyota Camry blasting tunes, yup, that's yours truly. My 4Runner's been in the shop for over a month…

Oh, and a little PSA: Do yourself a favor and check out "The Happiness Project" at your next bookstore visit. It's like a shot of positivity straight to the soul.

Hope you all had a stellar holiday season and that 2024 is treating you right. Don't forget, I love to hear your thoughts so leave a comment :)