Naturally, we spend the majority of our lives with friends. The family we're born with is one thing, but the family we create is another—it's often better. We find people who connect with us, discover common ground, and begin to trust each other. We share experiences that bring us closer, going through it all together.

We've all heard that "friends come and go," and each friendship teaches us something different. When I experienced my first loss, I was devastated. We all know the pain that comes with losing the trust, love, and support that friendship brings. I used to never understand why this would happen. Why would someone give up on a friend? Why would they break that trust? Why would they hurt someone they claimed to love so much?

As you'll read below, it could be a lot of things, but what stands out to me is change. We meet each other at one point in time, and a year or two down the line, we look, act, think, and talk differently without even recognizing it. We connect to who that person is at that given time, and only some friendships are strong enough to endure that change together. Those are the ones to hold on to and stay grateful for. The others are the ones you let go of and say thank you to. Thank them for the time they gave, the support they provided, and the love they shared.

I wouldn't be who I am today without the influence of each soul I've connected with over the years. Each person has taught me something about life and about myself, both the good and the bad. Friends have made me aware of a lot, and they've also taught me a lot.

Here are some valuable lessons:

Acceptance: Not just of some things, but of all things. Never push change onto others, and never feel pressured to change.

Balance: Give and take must be even. Check yourself and adjust. If things don't even out, maybe it's time to rethink your friendship.

Codependence: It may feel like love but can look like control to everyone else. We cannot suffocate; we can only be free.

Direction: Know where you want to go and don't let someone else's direction distract you from your path.

Expectations: No one is perfect. Communication is the only way to avoid inflicting pain.

Trust: No relationship can withstand without it. Be grateful when it's given and reflect when it's taken.

Friendship, just like any relationship, takes effort. The things I've learned ensure that my effort goes toward a worthy cause. Let this serve as a reminder not to take your friends for granted. All we want is to be loved and accepted. Don't let that go to waste.


