A whole month of the new year has already come and gone. As cliché as it may sound, each year really does seem to pass by faster than the previous. It serves as a reminder that I need to slow down sometimes and appreciate what's right in front of me.

Looking back over the past year, at my decisions, words, goals, habits, and thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. I realized that I had made significant progress in the right direction—or at least the direction I wanted to go. I've developed a strange sense of pride in myself, something I haven't felt in quite some time. Being happy feels good; it feels healthy.

But I can't stop here, even if I tried. So, I've created another list of goals to accomplish in 2023. I hope it fills with just as much growth and happiness as the last, and it's off to a good start.

Butters, Joe, and I kicked off the new year by heading north to Inks Lake State Park. Camping is grounding for me, providing what I crave. Every time I go, I regret not doing it more often.

During our trip, we taught ourselves how to play Gin Rummy, and I taught Joe how to play Speed. We savored hot dogs by the fire while listening to music under the stars. We hiked, read books, took photos, and simply relaxed.

Another exciting start to the new year involves our move! We're upgrading to a bigger apartment because 560 sq ft was not sufficient for the four of us. I'm sure many can relate to feeling like they own an unnecessary amount of things when it's time to pack up and move. Once you cross the line from need to want, you find yourself in the thickest of quicksand. Let this be a reminder to anyone reading this on a budget: You don't need it; you just want it.

I'd also like to express my gratitude. Starting this blog has been one of the best decisions I've made, and having your support means the world to me. The world can be harsh, life is unfair, and people are quick to judge. But I hope this website provides someone else with the encouragement to find the safe, judgment-free zone that we all need.

Happy New Year friends!


